Why is this happening? Because women born in the wake of feminism — women like Sandberg, Slaughter, and me — have been subtly striving all our lives to prove that we have picked up the torch that feminism provided. That we haven’t failed the mothers and grandmothers who made our ambitions possible. And yet, in a deep and profound way, we are failing. Because feminism wasn’t supposed to make us feel guilty, or prod us into constant competitions over who is raising better children, organizing more cooperative marriages, or getting less sleep. It was supposed to make us free — to give us not only choices but the ability to make these choices without constantly feeling that we’d somehow gotten it wrong.

from “Why Do Successful Women Feel So Guilty?” by Deborah Spar, president of Barnard College

Practice Living Life Better

1. Let your imagination run wild

Close your eyes and imagine your dream life. What does it look like? Where are you? What does it feel like?

You can’t live your dream if you haven’t given yourself the space to create it. You have this one life and you get to choose how to live it. Dream big.

2. Practice gratitude

We’re so busy talking about what we want, we forget to feel grateful for what we already have. What are you thankful for?

3. Pay attention

There’s a chance you’re driving through life on cruise control. Start paying more attention to your daily routine. Listen to the birds chirping, enjoy the smell of your freshly brewed coffee, and feel the cozy, softness of your pajamas. Relish the sights, smells, sounds, and feelings of your daily life.

4. Be real

We all wear masks—pretending and posturing our way through dinner parties and interviews and cocktail hours. But releasing all that phoniness and asserting your authentic self will feel like a breath of fresh air. And watch out, it’s infectious: when you’re real, you’ll notice those around you get real, too.

5. Surround yourself with positive people

You may have heard that you’re a product of the people with which you spend the most time. So pick the right crowd. Stick with the upbeat, optimistic people in your life; their company will nourish you. Avoid those that drain your energy, leaving you exhausted and unhappy.

6. Embrace change

Change is the only constant, so it’s time to start welcoming it. Stop dreading it, avoiding it, denying it, or fearing

it. Start seeing change for the possibility, fun, inspiration, and growth it can bring.

7. Trust your gut

Your intuition knows what’s best for you and it will encourage you to live your right life. Your job is to honor that inner voice—you’ll be happier for it.

8. Enjoy joy

What do you love to do? What makes you laugh? What makes your heart swell with happiness? Give yourself permission to do that, often.

9. Be gentle

No one’s perfect, we all make mistakes. Go easy on yourself.

10. Get enough sleep

In a culture that seems to celebrate those that pull all nighters and work until they drop, it’s sometimes hard to value rest. Sleep isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

11. Find your own success

Contrary to popular belief, success isn’t a corner office or a fat paycheck. Real success won’t just look good, it’ll feel good too. Chase your own success.

from awakeningtheself.com, “11 Practices for a Better Life”